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Sun shading

Intelligent shading supports efficient room temperature control.

myHomeControl® manages the position of the sun shading equipment according to the weather conditions and the actual altitude of the sun. The altitude of the sun is calculated based on the geographical coordinates, daytime and date.


Depending on the actual position of the sun, the shading function calculates the Sonneneinstrahlungsverhältnisse for the different windows and fassades. A central brightness sensor is used by the shading function to determine if there is sun shine.

Energy saving
The automatic shading considers inside and outside temperatues and supports the room temperature control.

Threshold values define :

  • the inside temperature from which on the shading shal be active
  • the outside temperature from which on the shading shal be active
Gust detection
Erfolgt die Beschattung durch Markisen, so kann ein Windsensor angeschlossen werden um die Markisen bei starkem Wind automatisch einzuziehen.





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